
Advanced Care Planning Made Simple

We have worked closely with Thanacare since their company’s inception. It started with branding. Creating an appropriate visual identity for a business or organization is critical for success. Visual identity is more than just logo design; it’s about creating a consistent message that can be seen throughout all mediums representing your brand.

Desktop mockup of Thanacare Advanced Care Planning Dashboard
Member Dashboard
Desktop mockup of filling out Healthcare Directives
Advanced Care Directives

Our collaboration with Thanacare is helping people at a critical point in their lives.

Through many iterations, conversations, and a TON of sketches, the teams created the initial vision and product strategy of Thanacare. The team knew the platform had to offer concierge-level service coupled with a more easy-to-track-and-maintain system of records.

With a vision and strategy in place, the focus shifted to building the platform. Knowing the requirements of future feature implementations and the valuable tenet of product development to start small and iterate, Foundry engineers understood that we had to plan for iterative product development cycles to grow the platform.

The Thanacare platform is extensible and scalable. Through intelligent integration with tools like DocuSign, the team minimized manual processes for users. The new system supports creating an ACP, ensuring every care directive is accessible for each emergent care opportunity.


access and availability


SaaS platform